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Pre-K C.R.E.W.

PreK CREWThis interactive program focuses on increasing LITERACY, SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, COMMUNICATION and FINE MOTOR SKILLS through a theater-arts hands-on curriculum. Each workshop includes STORY READING, PANTOMIME, MUSIC, MOVEMENT, and a VISUAL ARTS/CRAFT ACTIVITY that reinforces the lesson's theme. TWO 2-hour PARENT/STAFF WORKSHOPS are provided, focusing on demonstrating communication methods and suggestions of activities to incorporate at school and home.

STORY DRAMATIZATION: stories are selected that correlate and reinforce your center's curriculum. Stories are read aloud, followed by the children acting out the story. The story's conflicts are discussed and ideas of various ways the conflicts could be solved are explored in fun and interactive activities.

PreK CREWMUSIC: focuses on the introduction of African percussion instruments, how they work, how to use them and different ways instruments can bring actions and words to life. There is also an introduction to new songs and old songs revisited with new twists.

MOVEMENT: focuses on how children can use fine and gross motor skills to transform their bodies to convey emotions, become animals and act out characters of all kinds through the story dramatizations.

PANTOMIME: focuses on the theme of the story selected and explores that topic using the five senses.

VISUAL ARTS/CRAFT ACTIVITY: focuses on children not only using their fine and gross motor skills to create free unstructured art, but also using those skills to create functional art (used in the acting out of the stories they are read) and disciplined art (learning actual artistic techniques) designed to improve their level of skill.

Pre-K has seen incredible outcomes

Four year old students who participated in this 28 week intervention had substantial growth in all categories of measurement for Kindergarten readiness in comparison to the control group who did not receive our program. For more detailed Outcome Report information, please contact Win-Wins office.